Rebecca Nacshon

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Rebecca Nacshon

Music Creator

Hi Rebecca, welcome to VQS Studio. Tell us how you got started in music.

My mom tells that when I was a baby I was waking up and was not crying but making like singing sounds. Art flows in my blood. It is part of me. When I see beautiful nature I want to write about it, I want to paint it… I want to express my feeling with art.

What new projects are you working on now?.

I am constantly writing new songs and hopefully to release in the near future. I want to try creating new styles from what I was used to and express myself differently.

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What core values do you believe are necessary for success?

I think to succeed you need to be true to yourself
and do what your heart wants.

When I create music I don’t mind the amount of likes I’ll get from it , all I care is expressing my heart out and true feelings. If people like it and connect to it so it’s great, if not it’s also great since I create my music to express the inner me.

Who have been some of your favorite people/projects to work with?

 I hope to collaborate with other artists in the future. Besides that, I like to work with the sound engineers on my songs.

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What future opportunities would you like to be involved with?

I hope to perform live someday. Currently I mainly work on soul music since this is my favorite style. But I like many genres of music and planning to work on new styles of music.

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About the Author
My experiences in life taught me lessons that are meant to be shared and inspire people. I thank my family for the motivation and my God, who orchestrates everything. My life, to Him and Him alone.
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