Articles by Renata Vontobel:
6 Ways to Make a Living with Music  |  How to Stay Organized Working from Home
5 Stay Home Hacks For Creators  |  Top 5 Music YouTube Channels to Watch
How To Grow Faster On Instagram…

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LA based, Brazilian singer-songwriter, REV grew up listening to Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, and classic 80’s upbeat pop hits. REV’s music is an edgy mix of rock and sugar tinged pop melodies that compliments the sweetness of her vocals, creating an uplifting groove with fun lyrics to sing along to. To get in touch with REV, feel free to send her a message.

REV, thank you for joining us today at VQS.
Take us back in time to how you first fell in love with music.

I grew up in a musical family in Porto Alegre, Brazil. My inspiration came from learning from my uncle, Michel Vontobel. He is a well established music producer/drummer in Brazil  He really encouraged me to pursue my dream of being a singer. As a result, I started my career at a young age, launching my first EP at the age of 13.

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What core values do you believe are necessary for success?

I believe besides talent being true to yourself is very important and being able to network with people. Also be open for change and learning opportunities, that will make you grown not only as an artist but as a person too.

Who have been some of your favorite people/projects to work with?

2 Years ago, I moved to LA and studied Musicians Institute. I have performed at the The Whisky a Go-Go, collaborated with musicians and producers Dean Gu, Rob C, Michel Vontobel, and Tiago Becker. 

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What future opportunities would you like to be involved with?

I would love to be able to inspire young women, becoming a role model to them. Another dream I have is to work with one of my favorite entertainment companies, Disney.

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Photo Credits: Rodolfo Magalhães
MUA: Juliana Lima

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VQS Studio is a boutique media company in Los Angeles. We help creators share their stories.
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