Anna McBabe’s “Places I Should Be”


Anna brings a chill, indie-pop vibe sharing her pain and hope for starting a new beginning. Deep, honest, and touching.

Anna, welcome to VQS! Tell us a little bit about you and your music.

I’m a singer/songwriter born and raised in Massachusetts. I went to Berklee College of Music in Boston, and met so many amazing artists on the way. A few of those people truly shaped me into the artist I am today, and I can’t thank them enough. I’m very inspired by R&B music, but I’ll write just about anything that comes to me as I sit at my piano. I am currently working on my first album “LOVE LIFE”, and I just released a single “Places I Should Be” which will be on the album!

“…sometimes you have to make the “wrong” decision to find the right one.” – Anna McBabe

Congrats on the release! What was your inspiration when you were writing this song?
I wrote this song during a very rough time in my life. I have been living in Boston for years now, but it just hasn’t felt right. All of my friends we’re moving to places all around the US, even out of the country, to further develop their music careers, and I still hadn’t released any music or done any performances. I just felt so stuck. I felt like I was being forced to move, and I wanted to, but then I thought that maybe I needed to stay. I ended up staying, which led to me finishing my song and thriving so much better in life. I listened to myself instead of others. But the thought of not having left still haunts me to this day. 
What is your vision for this song? What lessons would you like to impart with your audience?
I hope that by listening to this song, my audience can feel their feelings instead of keeping them inside. It’s okay to not feel okay. I want my listeners to understand that sometimes you have to make the “wrong” decision to find the right one. 
What is your favorite part of the song?
The middle of the song features a voicemail from my mom, and I always will love her until the end. I cherish the fact that my first song I’ve released has her voice in it, forever.
Anything else we should know about it? Future releases? Upcoming shows?
As of right now, I haven’t booked any gigs due to the current situation, but I will be posting updates on my Instagram for my album that I’m working on. 

When you need a groovy and honest song to relax to, start streaming “Places I Should Be” right here:

image by Mikayla Ranson 
Connect with Anna:
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