Leighann Hodgkin’s “Here”


Leighann shares her story of pain and healing in the most beautiful way. Soulful, warm, and timeless.

Leighann, welcome to VQS! Tell us a little bit about you and your music.
I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember. Music is my way of communicating and my therapy. I fell in love with artists like Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, LeAnn Rimes, and Kenny Rogers at a young age. They inspired me to want to sing emotional songs with powerhouse vocals and a theatrical delivery. Country music always spoke to me in a way I could never describe. I fell in love with it’s storytelling and the sense of community it always seemed to be surrounded by. Growing up it became apparent to me that I needed to be a country singer. My soul wouldn’t settle for anything less. Now, here I am, performing and writing the music that raised me!

“I write songs in the hopes that it sparks conversations with people so I can help them to find the peace they deserve.” – Leighann Hodgkins

Congrats on the release! What was your inspiration when you were writing this song?
The inspiration behind “Here” was an incredible heartbreak. I fell deeply in love with a man that met me at a fragile time in my life. Slowly we grew apart and mutually decided to split so that we both could continue to grow and find what truly made us happy. In my healing process, I found that I missed him most when happy things were happening to me. I felt this longing to share them with him, but then remembered that how our situation played out is for the best. I told myself that it was okay to still love him and reminisce on the good times, but that this was what was best for us. Still, I had a voice in the back of my mind that said, “I just wish things were different. I wish he was here.” And thus, the song was born. I wanted to write about our happiest moments and how I wish he could experience life with me, but I knew that this was how it has to be. 
What is your vision for this song? What lessons would you like to impart with your audience?
My vision with this song was to take a part of my healing process and give it to someone else who may need it. Music has this incredible way of connecting people and helping them to heal. I felt that if this was something that I went through that there was probably someone else out there that felt the same way. It’s important to remember you are never alone in those dark moments. There are people you can connect with who understand and may be able to make you feel better. I write songs in the hopes that it sparks conversations with people so I can help them to find the peace they deserve. 
What is your favorite part of the song?
My favorite part of the song is definitely the chorus. The conflict and resolution that happens all at once is the only way I know how to describe moving on from someone. You’re left with all of these happy memories and you know you’ve grown stronger through the breakup process, but there’s still sometimes moments of weakness and hurt. 
Anything else we should know about it? Future releases? Upcoming shows?
I’m in the process of recording my FIRST EP! I’ve only been songwriting for about a year now and this is JUST the beginning! 

When you need to let go of the past and believe that something new and beautiful will come, start streaming “Here – Acoustic” right here:

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