Whitney Tai: Righteous


“Righteous” hits on all cylinders!
Whitney knows how to make empowering art that rocks you to your core. Powerful vocals, remarkable production and dynamite energy!

“Righteous is pretty much a fight song for anyone who needs it.” – Whitney

Whitney Tai is a New York born – LA based singer-songwriter & creative director. ​Symphonic, ethereal and cinematic, her alt-rock soundscapes demand every one of the senses. ​She began writing poetry, exploring mixed media art and crafting songs at the age of 7, performing and creating through her teen years. The thirst for art amplified in intensity to overcome the death of her Mother to a terrifying battle of Ovarian Cancer when she was 10 years old. Compelled to keep art close at heart, Tai enrolled into architecture and design, studying at NYSID, one of Manhattan’s most prestigious design schools and went on to design buildings and spaces all over the world while writing her first album. In 2015 Metamorphosis​, this ​7-song​ ​suite captured the trauma and resolve of her childhood. Anchored by the cinematic production of ​chart-topping​ ​producer and composer Tim Janssens, Tai was put in the same conversation with artists such as Kate Bush and Annie Lennox. After landing the 50th Anniversary cover in 2019 of the longest-running ​r​ock newspaper publication, ​The Aquarian​, and being selected this past year to headline at NAMM 2020, Tai continues to make noise in the eclectic indie scene. ​“Entering into one of her boundless soundscapes is a listening experience unlike any other,” states ​Happy Magazine ​of Australia​.
Whitney, welcome back and congrats on the release! What was your inspiration for this song?
Righteous is pretty much a fight song for anyone who needs it. There is a lot of mind control and hatred in the world but I believe that practicing mindfulness and raising your vibrational frequency with awareness only allows for more kindness, compassion and people connecting on real levels. Our time is now to truly live and not exist in pain as prisoners to misinformation.

“There is a lot of wasted energy in people looking to paint tar over a rainbow. It doesn’t work. Rainbows show up to bring joy, exude beauty by just existing in nature.” – Whitney

What is your vision for this song? What lessons would you like to impart with your audience?
My main vision is that this song inspires someone to look within and find their center-point to be able to heal themselves and everything they touch. Making positive change in the world out there starts by healing the inside, so like Lauryn Hill sang it back in ‘98, “How you gonna win when you ain’t right within?”
What is your favorite part of the song?
My favorite part of Righteous is the second verse, “They despise us, so entitled to cast shade behind us, for a chance to be right.” I felt like I was trying to communicate that there is a lot of wasted energy in people looking to paint tar over a rainbow. It doesn’t work. Rainbows show up to bring joy, exude beauty by just existing in nature. They don’t interrupt but only add to their surroundings by being silent and powerful… and then they disappear. Rainbows don’t have to scream their beauty in flesh or pride. It comes from their energy of being. We can learn a hell of a lot from nature.
Anything else we should know about it? Future releases? Upcoming shows?
Our sophomore album hits June 5th and I’m so excited. My producer Tim Janssens and I worked on this record for 2 years and a lot of our blood, sweat and tears went into making it. It’s an album for anyone overcoming the hardest feats of their life. Apogee is like being a satellite, floating in space, learning how to be in peace, like our sacred rainbow, getting prepared to deal with any ball thrown in our court, even in a deep dark cosmos of unknowns. We are so hard on ourselves and we never focus on how strong we are. How resilient. Apogee is that.
“Whitney is uniquely her own. She’s an original. The pulsating drums to the driving bass was at times hypnotic and the hard rock guitars and solos in between were just phenomenal. The thing I loved about her voice and this song was that she sings it very well, and her melodies are very strong.” – Lee Lontoc, VQS

When you need to heal from deep internal wounds, start streaming “Righteous” right here:

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Whitney’s article on artistry
photo credits: Anna Azarov, Alex Bemis

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VQS Studio is a boutique media company in Los Angeles. We help creators share their stories.

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