Article by Thiago: Smarter Self-Therapy In Quarantine

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Thiago Muller is an Los Angeles based composer and singer songwriter born and raised in Brazil. Send Thiago a message.
Latest News: Llevame its my newest single! A collaboration with my dear friends Bruno Romano and Marco Echeverria . A latin song that features elements of Brazilian and Venezuelan culture with a rhythmic and good vibe. Im very proud of the single and we’ve been very lucky with the exposure.
Thiago, thank you for joining us today at VQS. Take us back in time to how you first fell in love with music.
I was very young and music spoke to me. I was always a very happy and lucky kid, my family works in the entertainment industry, all of them. They gave me a lot of love and we were always very close to the art world. Going to plays and movie theaters was something very common, also watching soap operas or classic movies at home was a routine. My Dad (Anderson Muller) introduced me to the Beatles and John Lennon, my Mom (Marcella Muniz) introduced me to a lot of great Brazilian artists like Cazuza and I feel in love with it. They gave me full support to come down here and pursue my dreams, I own my family everything.
What 3 core values do you believe are necessary for success?
Success for me its very subjective. I always considered myself and my life already successful, I have a family that I love, friends that are always with me, health and a dream to pursue. There a lot of people that see success only as accomplishments on their career, but for me success comes down to 3 valuable beliefs: Kindness: is about treating others the way you want to be treated. Gratitude / Appreciation, this business is not only about a single person, you will always be grateful and have to appreciate all the people that are working around you and with you. Courage, this business and life is about doing what you believe it needs to be done, not in the absence of fear but in spite of it. I could give 10 values that I believe are essential for us as human beings to reach a successful life but I leave those 3 here.


Who have been some of your favorite people/projects to work with?
This is such a hard question, because I never had a favorite person that I worked with. I have different projects that Im very thankful to have had amazing and talented people with me during the process! Andre Rodriguez is a close friend of mine and always believed in me, its a person that I love to work with and I trust very much. Also one of my best friends Leonardo Bomeny and Ingmar Prinz, we have been working for a long time and we built a great team together Im very thankfu and proud of our projects. My new single Llevame with Bruno and Marco and many other talented musicians that were part of it we had such a blast working together. Nick Shattuck its also a songwriter that I love to work with and it became a great friend. I could name so many great friends and artist that I was very lucky to be able to work with, I’m just very thankful for all of them.
What future opportunities would you like to be involved with?
So many opportunities that I still want to have. Right now Im focusing on releasing more music and the scoring world. Im also a composer for the film industry, its a huge passion. Making relationships in this business is essential so Im gonna keep on working on this as well. Would love to be involved in more projects with talented and passionate people. Always. 

image credits: Angelis Borges, Nina Fischer, Matheus Cunha
Article by Thiago: Smarter Self-Therapy In Quarantine

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